The City of Balch Springs has added new ordinances concerning parking boats, boat trailers and trailers in public streets as well as prohibiting parking in front of mailboxes. See below.

The City of Balch Springs has added new ordinances concerning parking boats, boat trailers and trailers in public streets as well as prohibiting parking in front of mailboxes. See below.
The Hilltop Homeowners’ Association is now offering e-billing
To sign up to receive your billing statement by email, send the following:
It may take 1 to 2 billing cycles to start getting your statements by email.
The Board meeting scheduled for November 12, 2024 has been rescheduled for November 19. Meeting place and time have not been changed.
The Hilltop Homeowners Association Annual meeting happened on October 19, 2024 at 10 am at our park. Board members present were:
Teresa Potter – President
Roger Rosaya – Architectural Control Committee Chair
Kayla Ellis – Secretary
Wendal Bradley
Laura Harper – Budget Coordinator
12 property owners showed up for the meeting.
The meeting started with the question, has everyone signed in and handed out information packets (click here to download the 2024 information packet). We then went on to ask if anyone was interested in being on the Board of Directors.
We then moved on to review the report of our deposits and expenses for January through October 18, 2024. We went over our expenses line by line.
Added rubber mulch to the playground
Replaced damaged picnic table (damaged during storm)
We then moved on to reviewing our proposed budget for 2025. Although our income, if everyone pays their dues, would be $38,340.00 we usually bringing in more because of payments of back owed dues as well as the income from the billboard. Costs for utilities, lawn maintenance, insurance and postage are increasing but we do our best to keep our operating budget within anticipated income to keep a bank balance available to cover unanticipated expenses or reductions in income.
Our biggest repair need right now is to get the drainage ditch repaired. It needs to be at the very least regraded and the pools filled in so that we do not retain water.
There was much discussion concerning cars parked in streets that need repair or are illegally parked. The subject of towing was brought up and why couldn’t the Association remove offending vehicles. Because the streets are public property, only the Police and Fire Department are legally allowed to have a vehicle towed. Even if the HOA has a parking policy we would not be legally allowed to tow. They only place where we can do so is in the parking lots for the park since they are private property and are marked so.
Also, the state of our roads was brought up and the fact that the city is only patching with macadam.
We talked about the garbage that is being thrown out on Brooksview lane between Hilltop and Beltline and how it is the cities responsibility to clean it up.
We also talked about how we need everyone to reach out to the city when there is a problem, the more of us who complain the more likely we will get results. One homeowner suggested that we start our complaints with the statement of bringing our complaint to our city representative as a way to get them to look at our complaint first.
One homeowner suggested that city phone numbers be listed in the billing statement so that everyone can have the numbers on hand.
After our discussion we raffled off two $250.00 cash prizes.
Afterward the meeting came to an end.
The Association will be raffling away two $250.00 CASH prizes. Participants must own a home in the development, only the home owners themselves can participate. You must have Identification to show. Participants must have all dues paid up through September 2024. Tickets will be distributed at the beginning of the meeting and the raffle will happen at the end. The homeowner must be there to collect.
The Homeowners’ Association desperately needs Board and committee members. Board members must be home owners within the development. Please send an email to or send a text to 972-285-0137 with your name, address and contact information and a brief message letting us know you are interested in joining the Board of Directors.
The Board meeting set for August 13, 2024 has been canceled. If you need to talk to the Board of Directors please reach out to us at 972-285-0137 or to set up an appointment.
The July 2024 board meeting has been canceled. If you need to talk with the Board of Directors please reach out to us at the Associations phone number or email address.
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