The Architectural Control Committee

The purpose of the Architectural Control Committee is to keep our development beautiful. With this in mind anyone who would like to alter there homes, fences or exterior walls are required by the Bylaws and CC&R’s to contact the Association and submit plans for approval. This doesn’t mean that if you need to do repairs that you need to contact the Association, what it means is if you are planning to build a wall, move your fence or change or add on to your home, for example, that you would need to get the Associations approval. Download the Improvement Request form and return it, as stated in the form, to get Board approval. Please note that you will need an approval letter from the Association to get a Building Permit from the City of Balch Springs.
The Architectural Control Committee also inspects our community for violators of the Associations Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s) and its Amendment as well as City of Balch Springs ordinances. Violators will be given notice, and if the problem is not addressed a fine may be assessed and the violation may be given to the City of Balch Springs Ordinance for further action.