Hilltop Estates

A Homeowners Association Community

Pets and Strays

The Homeowner’s Association has been receiving complaints about people walking their dogs and not cleaning up after them when they do their business in another homeowner’s yard. It is your responsibility as a responsible pet owner to clean up after your dog. Not only on your own property but anywhere else they may leave a surprise.

We have also been receiving reports of homeowners leaving out “feeding stations” for the local stray cats, but they are leaving them on other people’s property. If you want to feed the strays that’s fine but you can NOT leave a feeding station on another homeowner’s property or on the common property without permission of the homeowner or the Board of Directors. Please be aware that you are not only feeding the stray cats but also potentially attracting animals such as rats, possums and other undesirable wildlife.

August 2022 Board Meeting

Augusts monthly Board meeting will be changed from the second Tuesday of the month (August 9th) to August 16, 2022, at 7pm at the Taco Cabana at 2601 Dean St., Balch Springs, TX 75180.


In recent months we have had several dog attacks in the neighborhood. The Association is aware that this has been an ongoing issue, but it requires everyone in the development to do their part to solve the problem. If you see stray dogs or you or your pet are attacked by a dog, it is imperative that you contact Animal Control at 972-913-3006 or Police non-emergency at
972-557-6000 to make a report. Only if we all make reports to the authorities can we take the dogs that are causing problems off the streets.

If you are a dog owner, Section 10-147 of the Balch Springs code of Ordinances requires that your dog be contained “by a substantial fence of sufficient strength and height and continuity to prevent such dog from escaping”. By doing so you protect your neighbors, your dog and yourself.

PayPal Changes

Effective July 28, 2022

Due to changes in the PayPal user agreement, all payments made through PayPal to the Hilltop Homeowners Association must be made using the “Goods and Services” type. Please no longer use the “Friends and Family”.

Thank you

2022 2nd Quarter Report

Click here to download a pdf of the 2nd Quarter Report

Summer Reminder

2022 1st Quarter Report

Click here to download a pdf of the 1st Quarter Report

2021 End of Year Financial Report

Click here to download a pdf of the 2021 End of Year Financial Report

2021 4th Quarter Report

Click here to download a pdf of the 2021 4th Quarter Report

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