Hilltop Estates

A Homeowners Association Community

Happy Thanksgiving

2021 Annual Meeting Report

The Hilltop Homeowners Association Annual meeting happened on October 30, 2021 at 10 am at our park.  Board members present were:

Teresa Potter – President

Ermelinda Sloop – Vice-President

James Sloop – Parks and Grounds

Roger Rosaya – Arch. Control

Laura Harper – Budget Coordinator

8 property owners showed up for the meeting. 

The meeting started with the question, has everyone signed in and has an information packet (click here to download the meeting packet).  We then went on to ask if anyone was interested in being on the board of Directors.  No one indicated interest.

We then moved on to review the report of our deposits and expenses for January through October 29, 2021.  We went over our expenses line by line. 

  • One homeowner wondered why we pay for water.  We explained that we pay water for a sprinkler system at the front entrance and the Park.  At this time both sprinkler systems are turned off (broken) but we pay a base fee to have water available. 
  • We also discussed our property taxes.  The Homeowners Association owns 3 pieces of property, the park, the pond behind the houses at the front of Hilltop Drive and a empty piece of property right at the front entrance.  We pay property taxes for all three.  In 2020 we got Dallas County to re-designate the piece of property at the front entrance from a building lot to a common property lot and the taxes on that property went from over $1000.00 to less than $3.00. 
  • As we discussed the cost of the storage unit that the Association rents one homeowner asked why we rent a storage unit. The association rents the storage unit to hold all the paperwork that the Association has produced over 28 years as well as items owned by the Association that aren’t need on a day-to-day basis.
  • We still have our lawyer go after a very few homeowners who we have been unable to get to pay.
  • We also went over the improvements made this year as well as maintenance/repairs.


Handicap walkway

Pet waste stations

New park garbage cans


Billboard repair

New front lights

Front entry repair

Tree trim and cleanup at pond

Cleanup of weeds behind fence on Ridgeside

We then moved on to reviewing our proposed budget for 2022.  Although our income, if everyone paid their dues, would be $38,340.00 we actually bringing in much more because of payments of back owed dues as well as the income from the billboard.  Much of our costs have remained stable for the last several years.  Our plans for next year are to do repairs on the drainage ditch that runs through the park, though one of our homeowners indicated that the drainage ditch is the Cities responsibility and said that we should talk to William Friedman at the City. Also repair a retaining wall at the cul-de-sac of Park Hill Court and replace the fence on Ridgeside Dr. and cleaning up behind it so that trees are not growing there.  How much of these projects will be done will depend on the cost.  We have designated $24,000.00 for these projects but have not started collecting bids.

 Other questions asked as we reviewed both the current expenses and the 2022 proposed budget.

Do we rent the billboard? – We do rent the billboard but we are struggling with renters following through once they indicate they want to rent.  We are considering seeing if we can lease to an advertising agency.

Afterward the meeting came to an end.

2021 3rd Quarter Report

Click here to download a pdf of the 2021 3rd Quarter report

Handicap Walkway

In March 2021 a handicap walkway was added from Parker Court to the walking path.

2021 2nd Quarter Report

Click here to download a pdf of the 2021 2nd Quarter Report.


Park and Maintenance Reminders

Repair, Mow, Maintain

2021 1st Quarter Report

Click here to download a pdf of the 2021 1st Quarter Report.

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